Lewisham Public School

Dream it. Work to achieve it.

Telephone02 9569 4536


P & C

On behalf of the Lewisham Public School P&C, welcome! The Lewisham P&C is a group of community-minded parents who volunteer to assist the school in any way we can. We provide opportunities for everyone to come together in an enjoyable and collaborative way, holding various events such as election sausage sizzles, Easter and Christmas fundraisers, Indigenous Garden working bees and so on throughout the year. We run a variety of fundraising events, manage the second hand uniform shop and apply for grants - and through all of these efforts we have been able to contribute to school resources such as playground upgrades, electronic whiteboards and laptops, and initiatives such as teacher appreciation gifts, the Year 6 Farewell excursion and the inclusivity fund.

The Lewisham P&C meets once every term, and on an as needs basis outside of these dates. These meetings are where you can come along, find out what we are planning and what is happening at our school. You will hear from the Lewisham Public School Principal, Liz Davis, and have a say in decisions that need to be made. Most importantly, you can meet new people and be involved in your child’s education.

Everyone is welcome to attend these meetings, however only financial members can be involved in the voting process. We invite you to become a member of the Lewisham P&C and for your convenience, we’ve included a membership form in this pack. It’s a gold coin donation for one whole year’s membership! It’s really important to note that by becoming a member and attending the meetings, you are not expected to volunteer at any events.

Of course, volunteers are needed for all events and we thank everyone who is able to lend a hand, and we appreciate that everyone’s situation is different and we are very respectful of that.

On behalf of the Lewisham P&C, we look forward to seeing you soon, and if you want to get in touch, please contact the P&C for any questions or suggestions on email or via Facebook:

committee@lewishampandc.org.au https://www.facebook.com/LewishamPublicSchool